Sunday, January 29, 2012

Valentine's Day Flower Suckers

I wanted something adorable that my 7 year old was capable of making for Valentine's Day this year.  I thought, what better than a Valentine that looks like a beautiful flower?   Any girl would love to hand those out.  We came up with these...


  • Tissue paper

  • scissors

  • suckers

  • tape

  • Valentine tags (free printable below)

  1. Stack up some tissue paper to cut more efficiently {I'd rather cut 10 pages at once rather than one.  I'm the queen of doing things more efficiently if I can.}

  2. Cut some simple flower shapes out of tissue paper.  I made smaller {approx. 3 inches in diameter} and larger {approx 3.5 - 4 inches in diameter} flower shapes.

  3. Fold the paper over to punch a hole in the middle of the paper blob flower shape.

  4. Layer 4-5 pieces of tissue paper flowers onto the sucker.

  5. Secure with tape.

  6. Add my adorable tags available in girl or blue colors.  You can download these by clicking on the tag to get the jpeg version.  Make sure you save the full size version for best results.  Enjoy!

This is my sweet girl enjoying the cute flowers she made.  She can't wait to put them all in a basket and hand them out on Valentines Day!


  1. We had a lot of fun doing these together. After about the third one my 7 year old decided I was MUCH better at the doing the taping. How convenient! I got everything we didn't have at the Dollar Tree so it didn't cost much either. Yay! Great Idea!

  2. Thanks Faith! I did most of the taping too in my house! Your kiddo looks cute with her finished product on our Facebook page! :-)

  3. [...] I made my preschool crayon Valentines and my daughter’s paper flower Valentines weeks ago.  While thinking about Valentine snacks for my preschool kiddos my son decided that he [...]


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